Photo Tile Selection & UTM Coordinates

General discussion about Scenery Design. Questions about SBuilder for Flight Simulator FS2004.
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Photo Tile Selection & UTM Coordinates

Post by boleyd » Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:06 pm

If you release another version of SBuilder I would vote for:

1. A way to mass select photo-tiles. I use SBuilder mostly for photo-scenery and individually selecting over a hundred tiles at a time is tedious. If I could use a dragged selection box to make a mass selection it would be a significant productivity improvement.

2. My photo source (Terraserver) creates UTM value text files for the extent coordinates. Thanks to SBuilder these are convertible to conventional LAT/LON values. However, it is a multiple copy/paste exercise that is prone to an occasional error and does take time. If SBuilder could directly use UTM values it would be a big help.

3. When doing a large area a single BMP file will exceed 200mb and could be up to several gigabytes. In my system, SBuilder becomes unmanageable with BMP files over 200mb. So I compile several more reasonably sized BMPs for my photo-scenery (texture). The problem is that SBuilder is designed to always use the same scenery folder so that subsequent compiles overwrite previous BGLs. A nice solution would be for SBuilder to create the BGL name with a numeric designator as the least significant character in the name. The look at the last number and increment it for subsequent compiles within a project. The user would be required to delete the previous BMP/photo-tiles to avoid creating a massive set of BMPs within a project. This is much easier than creating, by hand, multiple folders/scenery folder and then making sure that you change the SBuilder properties to use the correct scenery folder.

Dick Boley near airport 5G8

Dick Boley near 5G8

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